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               One day, Jumbo is taking a walk and finds a seed on the ground. Jumbo nudges the seed with his trunk to get a response but as the seed doesn't respond in any way, Jumbo walks away confused. A rainfall occurs after Jumbo walks away and doesn’t stop until a day later. When it is sunny again, Jumbo comes back to see that a small sprout has grown from the seed. Suddenly, rain starts to fall again and Jumbo looks at the sprout in surprise as it grows more into a bud. Jumbo gets an idea from the sight and walks over to a pond next to him in delight. Jumbo returns to the plant with water in his trunk that he gulped up from the pond. Jumbo waters the bud which blooms into a pretty flower, Flory. Flory looks up at Jumbo, who is looking back in amazement.

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